Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fa La La La La

in advance, i am sorry for those who read this whole blog and don't laugh. Some of these moments might be "you had to be there" moments, they all are hilarious to me though.. that's why i write them.. so sorry if you don't laugh...
Todays Favorites:
1. i turned the corner to this:
His leg was twitching his arm looked like it was about to fall off. I was going to just walk by but i decided i needed to capture this moment. i took a picture of him and instantaneously started laughing so hard, out loud. a boy stopped next to me and started laughing so he took a picture too. as we walked away from each other i could hear him still laughing which then made me laugh harder.. then the people who were coming down the stairs while i was going up looked at me so strange because i was alone.. laughing. this made me laugh even harder. i could barely walk up the stairs.

2. So in institute today we had a new girl sign up for the class so the teacher told us to ask her 2 questions about her life. no one said anything. it was dead silent until the boy across the row from her asked her what her favorite gum was. (welcome to institute.) she batted her eye lashes and looked up at him through her bangs and said, "Spearmint Stride" This made his day.... it must have, because half way through the lesson i turned around and they were sharing spearmint stride gum and literally just smiling at each other, eyes locked like I've never seen. I'm sure they will be holding hands tomorrow.

3. This week i have been riding the bus to school, i don't have any more gas in my car and i just can't get up the gumption to spend money to fill it. i paid for a bus pass at the beginning of the semester so i guess i should use it, it is quite convenient i must say and also... its where i get my entertainment. here is a little background to riding the bus for those of you who don't get the privilege.
Passengers of Bus 830:
-The guy who has his music WAY to loud coming from his earphones and i can sing word for word in perfect sync
-The boy who is singing aloud to himself, not thinking that other people can hear him
-The woman with her over sized roller backpack with papers coming out of all angles
-The teenage over-pierced couple that are just SO in love and can't stop embracing
-The man who blinks uncontrollably fast and often while rocking back and forth
-If you're lucky you get the missionaries, the blind, the seeing eye dog to go along with the blind, and don't forget the abundant amount of Asians.
Today's bus ride went a little something like this:
boy #1: overly large with an overly small head and the voice of Rocky.
boy #2: tall and skinny with red yellow hair and beady eyes.
They just got reunited since High School.. what a better place than the Provo Bus. Boy #1 walks onto the bus after their reunion he is waiting and i look up just at the RIGHT moment to see a perfect stream, very long, of clear boogers drop out of his nose and hit the bus floor? or seat? i could not tell.. this to me was when i decided to stop riding the bus and go get some gas. woof.
Here is some of their conversations in the 30 enjoyable minutes i got to be with them
boy #1: "dude just call me a Womoan"
boy #2: "what....?"
boy #1: "a white samoan. i am totally going to samoa to be with my kind, raww dude. ya"

boy #2: "i had the most retarded roommate ever, he was so freaky dude he thought he was a psychic ninja with gifts.. he played the wood flute every night and i could never bring chicks over. i hated that kid"

boy #2: "i love getting hammered, i have on several occasions"
boy #1: "yeah man me too, have you done the green? i love that stuff"
boy #2: "dude you do that stuff now?"
boy #1: "cha man i use to be so molly Mormon"
boy #2: "Dude i could never figure you out"

A very built Tongan then walks onto the bus with earphones on. His shirt says UVU basketball
boy #1: " yo! homeboy! my brother, what IS up!?!"
Tongan: looks up, sits down, and completely ignores him out of embarrassment
boy #1: "That is my friend, He is in my math class"

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love bus stories!!!! I totally understand. The people of the 811 bus are quite interesting as well. hehehe I love you for writing this all down. And our bio teacher has to be the best ever! hahaha I love you Meghan.
