Saturday, January 30, 2010


So i have biology at 8:30 in the morning which means if i want to ride the bus i need to catch the 7:59 bus. i woke up at 8.. great.. and had to shower.. even better. i decided to take the day off from biology and go swimming instead. i threw my suit on and went to golds gym to get it over with for the day. When i got there all the lanes were gone and i saw a bunch of old people walking down the handicap stairs to get into the water... PERFECT, WATER AEROBICS. Being who i am, i jumped in and told everyone i was joining today. To the left of me was dear marci parker. a 4 foot nothing Hispanic woman who was as tiny as could be. her chin barely came over the surface of the water. when i asked her her name and repeated it to make sure i had it right she replied with a simple "Si." and went back to her work out with the biggest grin on her face. to the right of me was Elvi Nielson. She was hysterical. her laugh was contagious and i could not get enough of these women! there were 5 ladies and one man (a dragged along husband of course). as we were in the water i was almost drowning i could not get enough water aerobics! one of the routines was, "kick me, kick me like i just stole your baby!" Elvi so softly but in her loudest voice yelled "not MY baby! HIYA!" Here are the highlights:
+we had noodles and were pretending they were bicycles going from one end of the pool to the other. as we were doing this one of the ladies looks over at me and says "wow! you got it! the first time i ever did this the noodle kept smacking me in the face, SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK!"
+can we stop now?
+at one point we were asked to shimmy. the instructor kept saying "please ladies, keep them in the water, keep them in the water!" while the women were jumping up as high as they can and shimmying their hearts content. i looked over at Marci during this, and she was doing her little wiggle and i yelled "Marci! Baila Baila" she started laughing so hard she nearly drowned.
+Afterward the ladies informed me they sit in the hot tub for 10 min after each work out, and they so kindly invited me to join. They were so much fun to be with, they made me laugh with each word. They invited me to join them every morning from 8:30-9:30am i think i will become a regular!

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